
7 Ways To Sneak Exercise Into Your Day

Sneak exercise into your routine

Most of us have sedentary jobs where we sit on a desk several hours in a row, which honestly doesn’t do much for our health. I’ve already written about how fitness apps can help you get back in shape. But maybe you don’t have time during your work day to even consider joining the gym, which I totally understand. Either way, if you’re feel like you’re stuck in a rut and would like to have a more active lifestyle, there’s always a few easy things you can change in your routine.

Why not try and sneak in some exercise throughout your work day? Little changes make big differences, so here’s a few tips that I definitely approve of…

1. Walk part of your commute

Weather permitting, try to walk part of your journey to work and back. Get off one bus stop or tube station earlier, and walk briskly during those 10 minutes.

2. Or cycle to work

If you’re confident enough to cycle among the traffic (which I’m not!), find out if your workplace is part of the cycle scheme, making it cheaper for you to get your own bike. Or even better, most big cities now have a public bicycle sharing system which you can make good use of. Make sure to wear a high visibility vest and a helmet though, remember safety comes first!

3. Ditch the lift

Step up to the challenge and take the stairs instead. Climbing stairs is amazing exercise for your legs and glutes!

4. Escalators don’t count

Don’t get too comfortable because in this case escalators don’t classify as stairs! Walk instead of standing on the right hand side.

5. It’s a competition

Always walk as fast as you can during your commute. What the other commuters don’t know is that you’re competing against them, and in your head you’ll always, always defeat them.

6. Reclaim your lunch break!

Pop into the nearby gym for a quick class or go for a walk during your lunch hour. Unchain yourself from your desk and go for a walk for 30-40 minutes. It does wonders not only for your body, but also your mind. You’ll clear your thoughts helping you think and focus better in the afternoon while you’re sneaking in some extra exercise that recharges you for the remainder of the day. Win-win!

7. Spend less time sitting down

Sitting the whole day on your desk is literally killing you and increases the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Get up and stretch, walk around the office or go get yourself another glass of water, as long as you move more often and spend less time sitting.

How about you? Do you have any tips to add exercise to your day? I’d love to hear more.

Rita Correia's signature


  1. These are great tips! I cycle to uni in all weathers and it helps alleviate some of the guilt during those weeks where you just cant find an hour to work out no matter how you shift things around your schedule. I:m going to try a secret competition with other commuters, they’re gonna lose so bad without even knowing 😉

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