Food, Lifestyle

The Best Way To Start Your Day

The best way to start your day

After a hot shower and getting ready for the day, the next best thing on the list is to have a good, filling breakfast. Not the kind of breakfast you eat on your way out the door, but actually making the time every morning to have a real sit-down breakfast with my husband. It’s definitely the best way to start every day.
Being a project manager, my day is generally filled with stress and deadlines, so it’s important for me to reserve at least 15 minutes to enter my day happy and relaxed, which sets the tone for the entire day. It’s also a great time to connect when we generally talk about what we have on for the day and of any plans for the evening while eating a big bowl of nutritious goodness.

The best way to start your day

When it comes to breakfast foods, I’m a creature of habit and tend to be very particular about what I like to have. It always, always comes down to Alpro soya milk and some sort of organic multigrain cereals topped with chia seeds and sometimes fresh fruit (if I have the time), along with a multivitamin supplement. Did you know that having a small amount of sugar in the morning improves better memory recall that day and on into the following day?

I’d love to know, do you sit down to breakfast most mornings, or do you eat something on the go?

Rita Correia's signature


  1. I so often neglect breakfast and unintentionally replace with a couple of large bowls of coffee, and I so shouldn’t.. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I need to get better in this!

    Oly | TLV Birdie Blog

  2. This looks so yummy! I work as a freelancer and my boyfriend is an athlete & we tend to work late all the time and then sleep in so we miss this part of the day! Its one of my new years resolutions to start eating a proper breakfast! Yum.
    Sarah-Jane xo //

  3. I love berries for breakfast! And I agree that a good day starts with a little “me” or “us” time, not a hectic scarfing down of food on the way out the door. Are you as much a creature of habit at lunch and dinner too, or do you mix it up more?

    1. I’m just a creature of habit when it comes to breakfast really! Mostly due to time constaints in the mornings. I do usually cook 4 or 5 meals a week, but everything else is pretty spontaneous and we usually either take out or go out for dinner. 🙂

  4. Eu tenho mesmo de melhorar os meus hábitos matinais porque não consigo mesmo tomar um pequeno-almoço digno desse nome. Por norma, costuma resumir-se a uma chávena de café e só ao fim-de-semana é que, depois de 2 ou 3 horas de pé, consigo tomar um verdadeiro pequeno-almoço. Durante a semana, mesmo deixando-o pronto na noite anterior ou acordando meia hora mais cedo do que o normal não consigo. Tenho mesmo de melhorar isso e com ideias como a tua quem sabe até consigo chegar lá porque tem mesmo bom aspecto e como os olhos também comem quem sabe se não funcionaria. 🙂

    Carolina | 1495 A.N.M

    1. Tens de experimentar 🙂 eu era igualzinha e dizia que não conseguia tomar pequeno almoço antes das 10 da manhã, que “ficava mal disposta”, e outras descuplas por aí a fora. Depois percebi que tinha a ver com beber leite, e agora só bebo leite de soja ou qualquer outro sem ser de origem animal. Agora nao consigo passar sem um bom pequeno almoço! 🙂

      1. O meu problema não é sentir-me mal disposta se tomar pequeno-almoço mas é que não sinto mesmo fome nenhuma mas, por acaso, este ano até queria ver se desistia do leite animal poderia talvez conseguir fazer um dois em um. Tenho de ver isso (:

        Carolina | 1495 A.N.M

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