Monthly Archives January 2015


My Go-To Healthy Snacks

My Go-To Healthy Snacks

After the excesses of the festive season, I’m always keen on giving my body a break and embrace a detox diet.
I have to admit that it would be much easier if I wouldn’t have to return to a sedentary life of sitting in my office chair for hours straight, dreaming of food, while contemplating my co-workers snacking on chocolate bars and biscuits.
On the other hand, getting back to work after a sugar-coma-inducing couple of weeks, also means getting into a routine, and with work cropping up, my mind is busy thinking of other stuff rather than food, which is not a bad idea after all.


What My Cat Taught Me About Life


Shortly after adopting my cat, a little over 6 years ago, I came to the conclusion that this little ball of fur’s only life ambitions revolve around sleeping, grooming himself and making sure he has food and water in his bowl. He might get grumpy when it’s raining and can’t go outside and play, but sleeping is always next on his list. And that’s about it. There’s no other care in the world other than those things.

Even though he’s just a cat, he has taught me so much about life…


6 Must-Have Lush Products

6 Must-Have Lush ProductsI’m very fond of Lush Cosmetics. I love the fact they’ve got their values in place. Lush does not buy from companies that carry out, fund, or commission any animal testing – their products are tested on human volunteers. And even though, these days Lush is popping out everywhere, every single product is still fresh and hand-made.

Luckily, my family knows me too well… Two of my favourite Christmas gifts this year were from Lush. What can I say – I feel super spoiled! I got two of those pretty Christmas giftboxes that are carefully put together and tailored for specific needs: the Hello Gorgeous, focused on bodycare products to look after your skin, and the White Christmas, which is one of the most complete gift sets containing a selection of Lush’s bestsellers to help you soak, moisturise and scrub your way from top to toe.
