
The Ultimate Circle of Goodness or… How To Be Positive and Conquer The World

Negative emotions, we’ve all had it and boy, we know how far from easy it is to deal with them. Negative thoughts and emotions will steal most, if not all of your joy, love, and peace as a result of your close walk with them. What would you do if these thoughts were consuming you and keeping you away from all the happiness there is?

Sometimes it’s hard to get away from people or situations that bring you down. Everyone has their very own demons… yes, even you! We’ve not born perfect, but we are on the path to perfect our ways. We can fail, fail, fail again, and get on our feet and still try to be a better person. We have to understand that failure will always have a positive outcome in life. There’s a reason for you to fail sometimes, but keeping on making the same mistake over and over again is crazy. There’s a huge difference between people that are humble enough to admit their own mistakes and flaws, be honest and true to you and are committed to change, be supportive of those people. Because if they have already truly proven you they are on their way to become someone greater, be there for them because it will be all worth it. Just like watching a beautiful display of fireworks.

Life is challenging and that’s the sheer of it. You have to be positive, and of course, you can’t just snap your fingers and be an optimistic. It’s something you train your mind to. We’re not all born optimists, I was the ultimate negative person who’d like to call herself “realistic” (which is even worse!). A lot of being optimist depends on how we were raised and what messages our surroundings were sending out to you as you’re growing up. But it doesn’t have to be like that forever. You can stop the madness NOW. Even if you grew up in a family that didn’t stand by you, or weren’t supportive of your ways or choices in life, well screw that… If you were verbally and physically abused by someone you cared about, screw that either. If the whole fashion industry tells you you should be a size 6, screw them. You’re beautiful just the way you are, and no one has the right to tell you the opposite. If you’re strong enough to deal with your demons and pulling out a shoosh, you’re gonna be okay. Trust me.

Past is not what defines us, only present does. For as hard as it may seem to let go of the past and negative emotions, you have to start living in the present and cherish what you have now. Be selfish on this matter, it is your life not someone else’s. Love yourself, love your boyfriend and your family, love the ones who love you back, these are the one’s that will hold on to you forever, even during storms. Screw everyone else. You have to be surrounded by positive vibes in order to be a positive person. Otherwise, it’s like building a sandcastle in the rain. Believe in yourself and be you.

It won’t ever work out if you keep saying you were always negative towards life because life made you that way. Stop the madness! Be comfortable with yourself, don’t let people and obstacles bring you down like that. You are worth the fight, you are worth all the peace and happiness there is. You just have to grab it and hold on to it.

It’s a long way until your inner self starts to get used to live this new life, but it gets better in time! I promise. It’s a discipline. You’ll learn how to feel more calm, more self-confident and patient, and learn how to smile with your guts… Did you know that smiling sends positive messages to your brain that you are happy?
Positiveness is an invisible aura that only good people can feel and notice. Positiveness attracts kind people, and kind people will only do you right. That’s the ultimate circle of goodness.

Love yourself and the ones around you. Even if your mind keeps constantly throwing impure and negative thoughts at you, observe them and let them go away and do not let them linger. Building up anger and holding grudges is not healthy. You’re simply holding it somewhere and filling up a bubble of wrath that will eventually burst out of nowhere. Controlling your mind may be tricky but it’s all worth the while, until you find true happiness within yourself.

Have a nice sunday everyone! Be positive and know that will all come back up to you, XO

Images found on LaMaisonD’Anna and GettSleazzzyy

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