
Vegetarian & vegan recipes, food finds and product reviews

The Best Way To Start Your Day

The best way to start your day

After a hot shower and getting ready for the day, the next best thing on the list is to have a good, filling breakfast. Not the kind of breakfast you eat on your way out the door, but actually making the time every morning to have a real sit-down breakfast with my husband. It’s definitely the best way to start every day.
Being a project manager, my day is generally filled with stress and deadlines, so it’s important for me to reserve at least 15 minutes to enter my day happy and relaxed, which sets the tone for the entire day. It’s also a great time to connect when we generally talk about what we have on for the day and of any plans for the evening while eating a big bowl of nutritious goodness.

My Go-To Healthy Snacks

My Go-To Healthy Snacks

After the excesses of the festive season, I’m always keen on giving my body a break and embrace a detox diet.
I have to admit that it would be much easier if I wouldn’t have to return to a sedentary life of sitting in my office chair for hours straight, dreaming of food, while contemplating my co-workers snacking on chocolate bars and biscuits.
On the other hand, getting back to work after a sugar-coma-inducing couple of weeks, also means getting into a routine, and with work cropping up, my mind is busy thinking of other stuff rather than food, which is not a bad idea after all.

Why I Stopped Being Vegan

Oh my days. This post has been long overdue, it’s been sitting in my drafts folder for nearly 2 months now. For most people, the reason behind this may come off a little bit silly, but truth is I was sort of afraid to share this on the blog as many of my readers follow a vegan lifestyle. This wasn’t because I feel guilty about my personal choices but because unfortunately, there’s so much hatred in the world that I deliberately chose to delay any possible backlashing.

Both me and my husband were vegan for 2.5 years. We wholeheartedly committed to the lifestyle, so much that we even opened a vegan business. We learned a lot about where our food comes from, health, animals, the environment and read a awful lot of dietary labels. We loved being vegan until it didn’t make as much sense as it once did. Here’s why we decided to transition away from it…
